Thursday, July 3, 2008

Homeworks are never ending.

It's been long since I posted about my daily things I have done so that I can just keep track about the days I have been through.
Homeworks are really never ending and I didn't have the chance to pay attentively in class as I was doing homework.
This is my fault as I didn't balance my priority!
I'm disappointed for myself.
Since school started, I'm always tired when I reached home then got distracted by newspapers or other magazines then read it.
After reading it, I felt sleepy then I slept and done nothing.
Otherwise, I reached home late and got distracted by the items that could be read.
I sat on the sofa and got very sleepy then went showering.
After shower, dinner time.
It's either the television programs attract me or I would do my homework in my room.
The questions take my time quite a lot so I usually feel sleepy or it's late already when I completed some questions but did not manage to complete one set of homework.

I shouldn't take others' words so hard when I know what I'm doing.
Guide me the steps I'm taking, Thanks Lord. (:

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