Thursday, June 5, 2008

13th Day.

I took out my Maths Homework for 2 days yet I didn't touch it.
Guessed this holiday's full of distraction uh.
It seems like a typical day but school days are different.
I think we often get distracted during holidays is because it's a holiday!

Well, I went with George to Vivo City today.
I always ended being frustrated after I went out with him.
There were discounts everywhere but nowhere was really very cheap.
You have got to hunt it.
I want to shop but George was really smart to find ways to prevent me from a proper shopping.
He kept complaining and asked me to bring him to the little water fountain.
He's really funny even though I was embarrassed about the actions he did.

Oh. Homework homework.
Damn that.
I think I would be having it done last minute.
I'm pretty afraid about my attitude towards studies.
I seriously do not want my results to drop.
I'm happy with my MYE results but hope it would be better though.

I'm going to shop with Vivienne tomorrow!
Orchard Road, here I comes!
Tau huay and Tuan puffs too!
Shopping spree!

Mariah Carey.
I'm liking her songs such as "Bye Bye", "When you Believe" and "Hero".
I don't really like "Touch My Body", reasons not known.

English Drama Club.
SYF's next year.
Are we gonna maintain Gold?
Let's respond, "Yes, we are going to!"
With us, united. (:

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