Wednesday, June 4, 2008

12th Day.

I still have a lot to reflect.
I still got a lot to learn.
After this camp, then I realised that Camp Chief decides everything.
I know I'm dumb to know it now.
I dislike that feeling of not knowing when I was playing that role.
Well, at least I know it and there's still more things to learn!

I thought I could start my homework today.
I looked at the questions then was like, boring.
I couldn't solve it or lazy to try out.
I still am tired, I want some more sleep hours.
But, that would only make me feel slacker.
George was playing PSP, I got interested... and guessed what.
I started playing it, haha!
It equals to, homework done = 0%.
I continued playing just now but felt that it was boring already.

British Council, I'm coming!
Drama Club, I'm so not going to let you fall. ;D
If you guys are gonna raise it up, then I believe it wouldn't fall.

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