Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yesterday, A Mathematics was kinda okay...
But my Social Studies was like screwed up!
Ahhh! :(

Today, E Mathematics Paper 2 was... hmmm, not bad.
It just that I don't understand some questions.
Combined Physics seems fine for Section B but Section A & C was like, I spent kinda a lot of time understanding & trying to think of formulas to solve the questions.
All the papers seem like crap.
I feel that I'm not even sure what I'm doing.
Alright, Tomorrow's English Language Paper 2 & Pure Geography!
Gonna mug later on.

Well, I went Mediacorp!
It's like kinda "yay", because I saw Christopher Lee.
He was wearing shades & a cap.
Heh, didn't know he's tanned.
He seems lighter during Drama Series.
After that, went Pastamania for lunch again.
2nd time eating lunch today.
I'm sure going to gain weight. D:
The food doesn't taste good at all.
I don't know why, & the service was very poor.
I don't think I'm going there anymore.
The coffee was served without any stirrer nor sugar, it tasted so bitter!
Of course I went to request for those in the end, lol.
Another one was at the counter, she was like... "oh? he didn't give you?"

I slept at 0130 this morning.
Having headache again, because of lack of sleep?
Feel so sleepy now...
I think I'm gonna be like, living a unhealthy life now.
Lack of sleep, lack of exercise & eat so much.

Hope I'm gonna be back, living better soon.
Exams are all gonna be over!

*Church! ♥

Things are gonna be fine soon. (:

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