Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It has been 3 or 4 years since I contact my old neighbour @ Lorong Yew Lian.
Time really flies.
Both of them are like my parents.
They took care of me & I was showered with family love.
My parents have been out working since I'm at a certain age.
There's one time I will never forget.
I woke up & saw my brother crying.
Okay, because my maid was missing in the house.
I basically did not know what to do.
I was young so I just started crying.
Since her house was just opposite mine, she asked what happened & help us with finding our maid.
Heh, so that woman was downstair chatting using public phone. -.-!!!
I still remember the times when we applied nail polish, and so on.
It's been so long...
But I'm glad to know that she & Uncle Gust goes to Nativity Church! :D

English Paper 2 was completed happily.
Pure Geography, I chose the 1st question about Plate Movement & 3rd question about Coast. Seriously, I done the Coast questions like crap.
But whatever, exams are over!
No burning of midnight oil. :D

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