Monday, May 12, 2008

Empty slots, Sports Carnival.

What you say.
What would you say.
Secondary 4s '07, 'please don't leave!', Hahaha.
Now, HOLY INNOCENTS' HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS Carnival's going down...
Because they graduated! :(
Look at that list, where's the Secondary 1s???
What the, be more participative.
Don't shy leh, lol.
Exercise more, heh.
Live a healthy lifestyle!
(Am I helping the government to promote?) LOL.

Okay, I got back my Combined Physics.
Marks could not be confirmed, there are changes of marks here and there.
I got 44.5/75 actually but now, it's 46/75.
I hope there would be more addition of marks.
Heh, 4 more marks to A2!
Ahhh, there were careless mistakes committed sadly.
I even transferred wrong answer to the Optical Answer Sheet.

Damn House meeting, caused me to still have to wait to receive Geogprahy results.
(maybe tomorrow?) xD
I have not received any Mathematics results.
Mrs Chang said tomorrow but I may not receive because I have not completed the corrections?
I have been looking forward to receive results as I believed, I study harder for this MYE.

I'm still busy with stuff.
I have to teach George Maths, since his exams are still on-going and it ends on Wednesday.
It's kinda driving me crazy because his attitude towards studies, suck and he is lazy!
And, there's the Drama Day Camp! :D
Gotta rush with the limited time left.
I really do hope all members cooperate.
I do love you, all. PLEASE.

I'm tired easily this few days.
Even if I sleep earlier, I would still feel tired tomorrow. :(
I'm still like, lacking of sleep hours.
It's harming my face & health!

I'm like, further from God... even though I go for Rosary every morning... but still, I'm always late recently.


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