Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Mothers are the ones who gave birth to you, all.
Be grateful. (:

So, how was Mother's Day for you, people?
Okay, I slept longer that night but I still woke up later.
I am supposed to wake up earlier so my father wouldn't be so tired!
But, oh well, things turnout quite fine.
Mother's Day this year, was?
I have no idea how different it is.
Heh, but this year I wanted to treat my mother dinner.
My father returned the money to me, in the end.
Haha, he didn't went dinner with us as he would be eating vegetarian this month.
Four of us waited for the dish, like 1 hour?
There were a lot of people dining there, (for a coffee shop).
Okay, the dishes tasted good, yummy!
The waiting time was worth even though my mouth was extremely itch while waiting.

School's tomorrow!
I really do not feel like going.
Haha, can I have a sweet & long sleep?


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