Friday, May 30, 2008

7th Day.

I didn't went shopping with Vivienne yesterday.
My father wanted to head to the Indonesia Embassy with George, my maid and I.
I went along so that I could help my maid with the filling of details in the form that is required.
Hmmm, we had to renew her passport.
She have been working with us for 5 years + already.
We didn't went in the end because we realised that we had to reach by 12 to register and it was too rush.

We went today instead, it was quite a hassle.
Photocopy of a number of certificates and a recent photo of her.
Didn't prepare those so my father had to pay to photocopy and photo taking.
The price is very costly, it cost $10 for photo taking and $1 for 2 page of printed document. :x
My maid don't really know how to fill in the forms and I got kinda frustrated because the form was in her language.
I read the instructions on the notice board and guided her along.
My father was disappointed with me as he thinks that I should help her fill in.
Well, I couldn't help her with everything because I've no idea about her home address, relatives' birthday and etc.
He asked if he should get the queue no. first but I said no as the instructions stated that we should take the queue no. when she completed the form.
At first, we thought the queue was kinda long and so, he gave me black face.
I was kinda sad but soon after he was better already. : D

At least I done 5 questions of E Mathematics yesterday and tried my best to do the rubrics for Drama Club Day Camp Activities.
I didn't really did my best out of it, my brain wasn't working efficient last night.
I brought George to Compass Point, he was really irritating after some time.
He requested me to bring him to Best Denki, and guess what.
He opened and closed every door of all types of Microwave ovens.
He touched a lot of appliances there.

Vivienne and I were blog shopping on Wednesday night.
Blog shopping with friends are cool!
We can help each other find the items we want and compare the best price offered or even purchase stuff together.
We started out like, 'blog shopping's tempting'.
After some time, we realised we were blog shopping with each other! xD

I haven't had a good sleep this whole week already!
oh man.
My rings are darker, gotta buy whitening mask. xD
And, I have not even officially complete 1 holiday assignment.
The answers are weird to me or is it too easy?
Yeah, I'm stuck on the question again.

Thank God on how He change my negative thoughts into positive thoughts last night.

1 comment:

--Siti Hajarr (: said...

hello ! you are tagged to do a quiz on my blog . but please go to to copy th quiz as my blog couldn't right-click ! ;p you can't say "NO!" ;D
