Sunday, April 27, 2008

Keep trying!

I was struggling with A Maths questions.
Stuck ed like mad.
I even feel like it's the end of the world.
Yeah, it sucks.
Everything seems so far at that point of time.
I thought I need more time.
Yeah, time is what I badly needed.
But, time is in my hands now.
I still have like, 2 or 3 days?
And after some of the subjects examination ended, I still could revise.
Yeah, there's still time.
I must make full use of it.
No time to like, slack it away.
Pessimist is what I am.
And it kills.
I'm just gotta work hard.
It's only like mid-years, then I'm already so... negative.
What about O levels?
I have to learn.
Learn is the only word to keep one persevering.
Learn to be independent, fast.
Learn to solve it myself, study hard.

It's only the start.
Get it starting.
Burn till 4+am, worth it. everyone can do it.
Yeah, man.

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