Saturday, March 29, 2008


My father seems very interested about my English progress.
Then Ms Chin started saying about how poor my English is.
And asked who I use that language to interact with.
I should speak English more often, know my mistakes & try to correct it.
While reading a book, must see how the writer wrote it and check dictionary if I don't know the words or don't understand the sentence.
She find that Junior College & Polytechnic doesn't have any difference.
Asked me about a matter too.
Why should she tell my father... even though my father knows about it but I still feel uneasy.
British Council, maybe that's the only hope for my English.

I went to the Seconday 2 Briefing as well.
Compared to our batch, they have Pure History!
I guessed that's a bad news for those who doesn't like History.
And the hall had a small buffet.
It wasn't like last year.
The hall was kinda noisy even when Ms Soh was making a speech.
I realised how good Mrs Wong can speak, only now.
Last year, everyone was quiet, seriously listened to the talk.
Even my father agreed that last year's better.

I'm going to complete 2 subjects' homework today. :]

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