Monday, July 7, 2008


The knitting was okay.
Saw Jia Jun & chatted with him for around half an hour.
I chosen the spectacles I was eyeing for the other day.

When I reached home, there was some problems.
Nothing made me feel better until when I read Vivienne's blog just now.
I can't believe that I really felt better.
Maybe it's the power of God's words?
The thing is when I read the Chinese bible, it didn't really helped me.
I wonder if it's because I didn't let go of my burden?
Oh well.
Yeah, we are no accident!
God's with us.
Oh Lord, Come into me! :D
And guess what, Rui Jun suddenly said hello to me now.
Isn't this a miracle as she have not been talking to me?
Oh wait, she isn't replying.
Where have she gone to?
She's back.

I'm still wondering if there's anything wrong going to a Christian Church.

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