Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Finally I know why I have not been feeling well this days. D:

My chest was feeling very uncomfortable on the other day.
Having a cold, coughs, throat ain't feeling well & such.
There was Table Tennis today, & I lost.
You know, I could have won. :x
I forgot how to gain points, and this is shit.
It's an excuse because I should have asked before the match.
But, I really forgot!
My nose's running kinda bad.

I didn't pay attention for A Maths, it's really tiring to focus on her lessons.
So, what's the problem here?
I just do not wanna have lessons currently.
It's like, I was looking forward to the fun we were gonna have after MYE!
I thought we would have our free time to do our own stuff.
I thought I could use curriculum time to organise events!

Yeah, I saw ex- Security Guard today, outside Hougang Mall.
I find it's kinda funny because I was like, "Susie~!".
Hey, she replied "Hi."
I didn't really like her when she was in H.I.H.S., I was practically talking bad about her when I saw her such as Mr Guei & her, :x
I returned to school for Table Tennis.
And, I was about to leave the school, I saw her at the Security counter.
I chatted with her for like, 10 minutes or more?
I think she look better with short hair.
When she had long hair, I feel like punching her on her face. (which I would never do)
She agreed with me that Ms Soh doesn't look like Principal, ^^
Ms Soh seems like a normal teacher to her, too.
Our school's getting chaotic, that's what it seems to me.
She told me to study harder & to aim for higher target and more because the standard is increasing and the competition's getting fiercer.
I never thought of chatting with her.

I'm like losing the ability to speak properly.
Hope I would be better tomorrow, for V.I.P., :D

Believe in miracles.

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