Monday, April 14, 2008

Just a normal day.

I thought I didn't have any homework for today.
Went to continue reading my book.
Completed it.
Find that the book was not suitable at all for the Book Review.
Felt like doing A Maths TYS.
Realised the exercise book wasn't with me.
Thought I lost it.
Went to ask my friends.
Knew Mrs Chang returned to Soon Cheong but left it on Teacher's table.
I must remember to take it back tomorrow.

Now I realised I still have this Geography project to complete by this Friday.
I wonder when I would have the time to go somewhere like East Coast Park to look at the waves and all.
But come to think of it, it seems like we are gonna have fun. ;D
i'm satisfied with my Geography results on the Plates,Volcanoes and others.
I finally passed!
Though it's only the 2nd test, I'm happy to use the word, 'finally'!
I didn't really studied because the moment when I read a page of it, my eyes started to close...
The next day, actual test date, I forgot to bring the notes and textbook!
That day, I really started off the 1st day of week badly.
I forgot to bring my Ez-link card and all.
Remembered that I sheded some tears during the morning... ):
I felt it was too much for me.
It's over! (:

Mrs Chang's having course and I can't ask her any Maths questions.
I'm having problems with E Maths Chapter 5 & A Maths Chapter 4.5 & 4.6.
I wanna do my Maths work but couldn't do it.
Even though today's E Maths Common Test was okay, I wonder if I would still survive next time.

I'm slacking.
Blog hopping.
I want to walk.
I want to look at the scenery.
The beautiful scenery either the nature or the modern buildings formed.
It just depends on if you appreciate it & how you looked at it.

I was reading Abigail's livejournal.
Certainly, I agreed that art is what makes the world goes around.
It's a much more better phrase then 'Money is what makes the world goes around.'
To me, that sentence sucks a lot.
Maybe because money isn't everything.
Okay, what's life without love?


RMVK said...

hey girl,

4.5 & 4.6 is really easy. Just see your textbook examples and follow the steps in the notes she gave us, you'll find the rythmn and finish in like no time!

serious. Try it & lucks :D

ch ♥ said...

hello! hahah. guessed you paid attention in class. well, i didn't that day... wasn't feeling well. maybe i'll ask you tomorrow! :D
thanks a lot! :)