Sunday, February 3, 2008

What do words really mean.
How do I express myself in a easier way.
Would you people understand.
What are words made for.
Is there any meaning behind it.
You could change it if you want to.
Nobody knows how you feel.
People say they know how I feel.
But they do not know it at all.
How do we talk.
What do we use to talk.
We use words and our mouths.
Would you know the purpose of me doing some things when I tell you.
Would you know at all.
It would just make you wonder too far.
And make me thinking about it just too much.
What can you do when I use words to tell you how I feel.
You would be there using a harsh tone or keeping quiet.
How miserable can I be.
It makes no difference.
You want me to express myself with words.
What I said.
How I feel.
Both do not mean the same at all.
Do you understand then.
Do you even know how to solve.
You do not even know how I feel.
Every one is just so different.
How are you gonna suppose to know how they feel.
Words, words and words.
How do people use it.
How do they mean to them.
Do you know at all.
You claimed to understand it.
But do you understand the one who are using them.
You should not judge or even pick about it.
It would just hurt people.
What could a single word means.
Every of them means different to everyone.
We have the definitions in the dictionary.
Why do we have them for.
To be as close as the meanings.
Some people try to use better words carefully.
But does that make any difference.
Tone counts.
What about their mood.
Every word means a lot.
Have you ever thought about it.
Would you even bother thinking.

Do you...?

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