Friday, February 1, 2008

It's really challenging.
I didn't regret going.
I gained confidence, trust & courage and realised my friends were marjority the ones who made me have the will power to complete the challenges.
1st day: We were needed to be blindfolded & the partner woud guide us to the path then we exchanged our roles after that. It's so cool when you have to walk up or down the steps and walking a distance when you couldn't see, don't know what you're walking on & with your friend guiding you. The first high element was the trust fall. The other team members had to hold a mat & pull it so that the one who's gonna fall straight from the back wouldn't fall on the ground or hurt themselves. I had to fall twice because i weren't very confidence in falling backwards at 1st. It's really fun when you actually have the courage to fall. Next was belaying, I was careless & so i had a bruise on my leg. That was a practice for high elements for rock climbing. We slept at Camp 2 site. Although it didn't seem nicer than Camp 1 site, i prefer Camp 2 site because of the facilities & more toilets. Haha! But there were more insects. I dislike ants very much already, to think that i even went to the forest where one part of it, my legs were full of red ants on the third day. I feel relieved now that there isn't full of insects crawling around at home which wouldn't dare to touch human's body.
2nd day: We kayak-ed to Camp site 1. Met Amelia & Celestine there & i felt better, with them safe & sound. My shoes were very dirty, felt so disgusted. Put our backpacks on the site that we would sleeping & went to meet our instructors for activities! Yeah, there was the rock climbing. I thought i couldn't make it, to even the 1st step. But i was wrong. I had the support of friends, them guiding too. Soon, i reached above the red line. I was really glad as i never reach the 1st step before. When I was in the Primary 5, i didn't have the right mentality or even the confidence. OBS, the instructors really made me found my strength & what i can do. Even though I reached above the red line, they wanted me to climb higher. I was actually quite disappointed as I never thought that I could actually climb higher. Yeah, I was there, setting new target by putting the tape with my name on, higher than before. Then, I'm really glad that I almost reach the top. Just that, now I think, I should have try harder. When I was in OBS, i'm just satisfied with me reaching above the red line. But right now, I'm at home thinking about OBS. Thinking about how i could complete it even better.
3rd day: We went trekking to another site for food & lodging. My hands has been always weaker. Maybe that's the reason why I couldn't manage to carry more heavier stuff like the others. Oh ya, and that stupid aching on my left shoulder which is still aching now. Every one seems manageable with the tent bags & other things that they were carrying. I felt bad & being a failure at that time, others were stronger. Then what about me? Ahh. Maybe those carrying of backpack may made me manage to carry heavier stuff then I would be very happy! I think I'm lack of shoulder muscles. Must train already! We were lost when we had to reach 3 check points for a forfiet but we didn't make it to any. Instructors took us to a man made river then he was like saying, "I'm going to teach you what to do when you accidentally fall into the water." What he was trying to do is that, we were suppose to do an example so that we wouldn't be uncomfortable w/o a shower when sleeping. It was fun, because we were like flooding around an area & Ahmad was telling stories related to the river we were in to scare us. I realised I forgot to swim. The camp site where we were supposed to sleep was full of wild boars' sounds. Every one were kinda afraid of them, coming out. Cheryl saw it, it's so cool seeing one & heard from her that it was very ugly.
4th day: We went kayaking to Camp site 2. We shouldn't have asked about the 3rd option. 12km, few hours. I'm darker, but it was relieve to see that I didn't get any sunburnt from being under the sun for around 6 hours? Almost all my friends were red, some felt the sting. The wave wasn't very stable near the "don't know how to spell island', I was kinda nervous at that moment because I don't wanna end up at Changi Beach. How do I go home from there man? Lol. Tides were rising at some parts because of the wind & I wasn't strong enough to push those waves away. Pairs who succeeded reaching near there, are strong! After that part, it was easier to paddle where Amelia & me were the 1st few paddling in front. Others who's better were at the back. Tell me, isn't that weird? But... after that we were the last few again when we were reaching the shore soon. I was wanting to reach the shore badly but Ahmad asked us to stop at a certain area, maybe it's because there may be a traffic jam. Hahaha. Then I was loving & enjoying the slow waves of the sea on the Kayak & can't bear to leave. I was crazy or maybe time for appreciation was allowed. But in any case, the Kayak ride rocks totally & certainly, Amelia did a good job. And yeah, it's Camp site 2 but we slept at somewhere we have to climb 100+ steps to eat/sleep from where you can take any things needed which is.. better than Great China Wall but much more tiring than some normal staircase. Just realised some of my male classmates are not that bad after all, 3 or 4 only.
5th day: Last day of OBS, I really couldn't bear to leave. Those bright, shinning stars. Those scenery of Pulua Ubin. Those smiles of instructors. The fun & laughter we had. The encouragement they gave. The way they gained me confidence. It's just... Pulua Ubin & the instructors I miss. I love the Jetty Jump, we have to take a stone, say out our goals & habits we are gonna kicked out when we reached Punggol Jetty & jump into the sea, letting go of the stone. I think that other group just jumped as though it's just a Jetty Jump. Ahmad & Ah Jay were great, we were the groups who showered the most number of times & had great fun. Like the rock climbing, we get to set our target & paste our name on where we reached. It was very thoughtful & creative of them to came up with this wonderful idea. I would never climb that wall until that high without such a method. After that, we had the Trust Fall for the 2nd time and of course we did a better one. And for the 'fly' & ring the bell, I didn't know that I could ring it. We shared about what we learned, which activity we enjoyed the most & how we are gonna apply what we learn when we start our 'new life' (after OBS). That was our last activity. We shopped for souvenirs, i felt like buying every piece of them, except those sleeveless ones. Our area cleaning was at one of the boys' toliet. Wondered how they do their business, the boys said that there was shit on the floor. Gladly, only the instructors & the boys cleaned it. Thanks! Then, the giving out of Certificates, photos, journals, pens, sticker & a wrist band. We had to gather outside the souvenirs shop so that we would be in a order to leave to Punggol Jetty. Boarded the ferry, the ride was great but still have the feelings of being in Pulua Ubin. Reached school around 2+. We had bag check because of the 12 sample tees which I find that those who stolen it are very childish.
Which kind of words can i describe?
I miss OBS.
Trust, confidence & the willpower.
To me, it's the most important factors if you wanna reach a goal.
Or even try something you have never done it before.
May OBS unlease my New Life.

Manage time well.
Lose weight.
Achieve better results.

Habits to kick.

Those are what i shouted before the Jump.

Here, I'm saying it again.
Confidence, Trust & Willpower.
I Love You.

Ahmad & Ah Jay.
Fondly remembered!

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