Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hello, 2009! :D

I have completed doing up my 2009 resolution.
Hope it would really help me in my studies.
Especially, i'm taking O level this year!

Man...attended school on Friday.
Just felt so tired.
I shouldn't have went to bed so late!
& it took me a while to manage to fall a sleep as well.
First time doing SL duty, thought it was easy :p
Well, it was not easy & not difficult, just around in the middle.
It was confusing as the arrangement in the hall changed.

Today was CCA Orientation.
I don't wanna talk about it.

I gotta train myself to sleep early & stop online-ing @ night.
Being tired is hard to concentrate on tasks.
I was so sleepy that I mistook Staffroom as the "office" :s

I need organisation.
A good one.
I need that skill.
That precious skill...
It WILL lead me to a higher level.

Tired & sick.
Good night.


Brielle said...

Hi sis! Relink me at :D

Samantha Delina S. said...