Friday, August 22, 2008


I want to change the world.

I didn't complete what I wanted to yesterday.
Offline kinda late then didn't want to do any work so that I could wake up earlier today.
I woke up earlier today, finally... for this recent weeks (:L

I wasn't really happy with my level of concentration during lessons.
I was the only one who didn't complete my Chinese letter writing.
My Maths... wasted some time on filing & didn't have time to complete what everyone has done.
Pure Geography too... I was organising my Maths worksheets ):
And, i didn't know Mr Ong knows my name.
Ahhh, I was outside 3 Integrity to get A Maths book then he lectured me.
At least, he was not really scolding me! :D

Tomorrow, to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve with Amelia, Cheryl & Sarah :D
& out with Amanda, Tin Jun & Matthew after that.
I must do my Chinese letter writing by today...
NG CHING HUI, stop procrastinating.
I will feel satisfied after completing my assignments.
I have not had that kind of feeling for quite long already D:

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