Saturday, June 21, 2008

29th Day.

29th day of June Holidays `08 already.
Ahaha, gotta be dead with incomplete homework.
Oh well, yesterday went British Council (finally!) with my father and George.
Scored 68/80 for the placement test.
Short of 2 marks to enter that Proficiency course!
I think I won't want to think of retaking the test already.
I may not cope in that course. :/
Ate Curry Chicken Baked Rice @ Century Square.
Never ate that before but it tasted okay.
There's cheese on top of the Curry.
Headed to Bugis after that as my father wanted to purchase some goods.
We were late already since he have to rush back to the stall to close it and I got to rush to Hougang Mall for a meeting.
Time is precious but the bus still took quite some time to arrive.
There was only some seats available so I sat quite far from them.
I was actually feeling fine until I sat near them which is in the middle of the top of the bus since it's a double Decker bus.
There was some kind of vibration with sound.
I hate that feeling which made me feel really uncomfortable, dizzy + headache.

Met Vivienne & Diyva @Foodcourt.
Had fun discussion with them.
Stay tune to assembly during Tuesday & Thursday! :D

Gotta prepare to bring my brother to tuition, I think I won't make it though.

1 comment:

wanzhen said...

yoyo, school's starting uh! ): my homework has yet to be finish too! haha! Seeya' around in school! misses~