Saturday, April 12, 2008


I did my A Maths Common Test badly on Thursday.
Maybe it's good that it isn't Mid Year Examinations.
2 weeks more, if I still ain't revising, I'm so going to be dead.
I'm not going to give up A Maths because it simply just rock.
After that, it would be June Holidays.
Homework is waiting for me already.
But in any case, I'm gonna have fun.

Chemistry Test was cool.
I done it like feeling the breeze of nature.
I revised, okayyy?

School ended like 2+.
Skipped Drama & hurried to Hougang Mall with Dorothy to get stuff.
I had to rush home so she went alone to the Library, sorry about that.
Reached home around 3+.
I showered for 15min, 'miracle'.
Went Hougang Mall with my brother & reached there around 4+.
I didn't see anyone at first so went outside again & saw Ray.
Within minutes, Ee Chun arrived w Czia Jyeah.
Then Ryan, Jun Xian.
Malcolm was just from the escalator when we walked near the MRT station.
Bus 72 arrived when we were still a distance away, so ran...
Reached Tampines around 4 or 5+.
Czia Jyeah went off for his poly stuff, i guessed.
I didn't have any appetite even though I hadn't had any lunch so only had a drink while the others were eating. lalala~

Reached Expo but followed Ryan to his cousin's house, he went to pass something, i guessed.
Walked back & there was a long queue of people waiting because they ain't tickets holder.
We entered & kinda a lot of people there already but at least we got seats in the middle and kinda near the stage.
It actually starts at 0730 but not everyone was settled down so it extended to 8pm.
It was great.
The songs were Woo, WOW.
I'm gonna ask Ee Chun the title of the songs.
Heard from others that this year's better than last year a far lot.
I didn't regret going even though I missed the last session of Drama before MYE.
We waited outside for Cheng Long but not sure why he was so long and the security guard told us to wait outside Max as they were closing soon so we went to take a bite.

I saw a graduate with Cheng Long, he was Red Kites' vice captain when I was only a Secondary 1 kid.
Oh, and Ray can really act.
Many of us were fooled by him.
This is the first time I 'played' while boarding MRT.
He said Tampines was towards Boon Lay, everyone, except Ee Chun, ran towards there.
A group of girls were confused because we were like, 'wrong liao' and they ended up in the MRT towards Boon Lay.
Heard that they gave a 'HUH' face when the MRT was like 'Door Closing'.
We were like running here, and there.

We alighted at Tampines MRT Station whereas Ee Chun went with Cheng Long to Pasir Ris.
Boarded the last bus, we were lucky.
Group Photo.
PLANETSHAKERS + TIM HUGHES ROCK-ed @ Max Pavilion yesterday & the day before!


RMVK said...

Hellooooooooooooooo chinghui! I've found your blog, yay me! :D

niceeeeeeeeee bloggggg.

oh btw, this is M here.

ch ♥ said...

hahahahah. congratx then? heyyyyy. lol. I'm real bad at blogskins & have to ask friends for help if I wanna change so... i downgraded! :p