Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's so different.

Every thing's different.
People do quarrel because we have different point of view.
There's nothing perfect.
We do not know what's 100% right or 100% wrong.
We often argue, because in our mind, we think that we are right.
Therefore, finds that the other party is wrong.
Do not think that way.
Open yourself to view in another perspective.
You might not know what you will learn.
Maybe you would learn how this world works, or rather how human beings works? ;D

Kelvin's in NCC training and George's studying in school.
Here I am, the only one who could online BUT it must not be told to both of them.
So, I got to go.
It's 6!
I do not think that I'm coping with E Maths well.
I do not understand the questions from A Maths too.
So am going to ask Mrs Chang!

I have got some ideas for SWAP project.
Thanks to some people around me!
Then my brain started to produce brain juices.
Well, speaking of SWAP project...
3 Diligence SWAP!
Credits to: Amelia.
It's just the start, guys!

What should i wear on Friday?
Hope nothing goes wrong.
I know it won't because...
I prayed! ;D


Amelia.Swee said...

Wear what you want! Don't really have to think. Just be youself. {:

ch ♥ said...

Thanks! ;D I'm a retarded. But I act like I'm not. Hahaha.