Friday, June 27, 2008

It's out to me finally.

First week of school reopens. after June Holidays.
Certainly tiring and glad that weekend's here.
Had Drama practice today, there was a relief instructor.

I am tired now.
H.I. Musical's tomorrow.
This is also the first time H.I.H.S. organising this big event.
I am not going to miss it.
Therefore, I would not be going to my cousin's 21st birthday. :/

Schooling ain't going that well for me.
I'm still the one out.
Not the mood to post.
I miss Drama Club `06.
The times we spent.
The days we were together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rmb me?
i'm a fren of shaista, Dahlia.

tat time u said tat i like someone from 3hum. is tat a rumour?

if it is, its not true.
but just wondering, who is the guy tat the "rumour" is talking abt?