Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers' Day!

As stated on the title itself, it's Fathers' Day today!
I didn't did anything special yet I kind of made my father disappointed this morning.
He looks fine now, and we ate dinner at home.
My father wanted to buy Pizza Hut through the Delivery system.
Guessed what, that was what my brother requested and asked him to treat. -.-
My Mother, of course, objected.
She is the kind of person who saves and does not spend when not necessary.

Hmmm, my emotions aren't going fine.
I'm feeling weird, you know?
It isn't empty, it isn't happy one nor anger.

I went Hougang Mall today.
Cheng San Library.
Looked for Jane Austen's book, "Pride and Prejudice" are either on loan or not available there!
The librarians said her books are very old so it kinda stopped printing?
And, some old books were being put in their Warehouse or Reference because it's very limited so they want to preserve it.
Somehow, some borrowers lost her book!
That's very disappointing, imagine some people who were inspired by something or someone to read her books...?

There's the Pasa Malam around the MRT Station.
I went to buy some snacks then I could share with George.
Walking around, deciding what to buy...
Suddenly, I wonder if there would still be this kind of "Night Market" later in life since Humans is relying technology so much, so rapidly.
You could see the rate year after year.

I'm getting involved in Arts more than Science recently.
That was what I realised when I was reflecting, looking at the past and present.
Facts or Feelings?
I would rather this whole world be more full of feelings not relying on Facts!

A photograph.
That picture taken.
That place taken at.
It wouldn't be the same anymore.
One couldn't take another similar photo anymore.
It wouldn't be perfect as the other one.
Think again.
When one took a photo.
After one taken that photo.
That place.
That position.
That light.
That time.
That living or non-living creature.
One's feeling.
Everything's going to be different.

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