Sunday, April 20, 2008


I'm still online.

Yesterday I'm so troubled.
Sleeping doesn't help.
Online doesn't help either.
Why should I still worry about stuff that might or might not happen...?!?!?
I am dumb.
Even thought of things I know it's wrong.
Luckily I didn't did it.
God gave me this body, I shouldn't hurt it.
I'm always having friendship problems. ):

I still couldn't absorb stuff that I've revised.
Oh oh oh.
What's problem with me?!
I really wanna do well this MYE.
I wanna make my parents proud.
I wanna show them that their daughter's capable.

That she can manage both studies & events.

I'm feeling rejected.
A sense of losing the direction I wanna head.
Hanging on...
I'm not gonna fall.
I just have to hang on..

I wanna get over this MYE & enjoy.
Do it well & no worries.
But how should I start.
I have to trust myself to get this started!

God, You're all that I have.

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